Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome to THE DARKENER Blogspot!

Welcome all!

As you probably know by now (unless you've stumbled here mistakenly), my first novel THE DARKENER is scheduled to be released in November of this year. I've already promised all sorts of fun and interesting marketing materials in the time up to and through the release date, and to do that I needed a place I could post things a little longer than I can on Facebook/Twitter. Hence this blogspot. Anything I post here will be linked to both Facebook and Twitter, so don't feel pressured to be constantly checking for new posts here, but definitely come by every now and then to see if there was anything you missed.

Some topics I hope to touch on are:

-How this book came to be/the general writing process for me (I'll try to make it less boring than it sounds).
-Sample chapters and segments as we get closer to the release.
-Links to music, poems, media, and works of art that inspired me, and specifically how they influenced the story.
-Any other free flowing comments I'd like to make.

As always, please spread the word and share any posts you find particularly interesting with your friends. The more you guys support me the better chance I have of getting people to read my book, and that's really what matters to me. So thanks again for all your support!

I will leave you with a brief blurb from the very first post of my personal blog, where I touched on THE DARKENER and what it meant to me:

"The Darkener began as a sort of stress relief exercise for me, a way to basically express myself metaphorically since I’m not always able to do it literally, and in time it grew into a story that I felt needed to be shared with the world. What makes the book so special to me is the fact that it’s so personal, that it contains so much of my life, spun and exaggerated in different ways so that even the people closest to me wouldn’t catch on to it all. And that’s just the beauty of it: I get to share myself with others without them even realizing it. Literary espionage. Subliminal Nizz. No awkward introductions, no “so tell me about yourself” conversations, just me suddenly up inside of you (minds out of the gutter people…okay, you’re right, that was clearly intentional)."

Thanks again all!


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